1. Report -

    Read the results of our virtual visit to Davlyn House.
  2. Report -

    Read our virtual visit to Dresden House.
  3. Report -

    The report details our recommendations and acknowledgments, a background, the methodology utilised, an overview of findings and a selection of experiences from management, staff, service users, professionals and relatives.
  4. Report -

    In the city we have 53 GP Surgeries, 122 Care homes (nursing and residential) 70 Pharmacies, 37 Dental Practices, 30 Opticians.
  5. Report -

    As statutory watchdog, our role is to ensure that local health and social care services and the local decision-makers, put the experiences of people at the heart of their care.
  6. Report -

    This year it came to our attention that homeless individuals in our City were finding it difficult to access GP services and receive the treatment that they required.
  7. Report -

    You need services that work for you, your family and your friends. That is why we want you to share your experiences of using health and care with us – both good and bad. We use your voice to encourage those who run services to act on what matters to you.
  8. Report -

    The most common themes we hear about are GP services, Mental Health Services, Social Care, and Hospitals and to ensure that we
    address your concerns and compliments we share your stories with relevant people and incorporate your priorities into our work programme.
  9. Report -

    Purpose of the visit: the inspection by the CQC last year concluded that overall,
    the Home required Improvement and we wanted to assess the current situation
    and see how things had improved.
  10. Report -

    We organised an announced virtual visit to Dresden House between 18 October and 5 November 2021. Read all about our visit in this short summary report which details a background, the methodology utilised, an outline of the findings and a selection of experiences from participants.
  11. Report -

    It follows the inspection by the CQC in August 2018 concluded that overall the Home Requires Improvement.
  12. Report -

    The service is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to 74 adults (please note that the website shows anomalies – it refers to the home being 76 bedded). People who use the service require nursing or personal care and/or may have Dementia. The home also provides care for those who need treatment for the disease, disorder, or injury.
  13. Report -

    It follows the inspection by the CQC in November 2017 which concluded that overall the Home Requires Improvement.
  14. Report -

    This visit was arranged as a follow-up to a CQC inspection in July 2018. The findings at that inspection were “Requires Improvement” in four of the five areas (Safe, Caring, Responsive, and Well-led). It was deemed “Good” in the area of ‘Effective’.
  15. Report -

    Healthwatch Stoke on Trent received information from a family member regarding problems with the care of a family member who had been moved to Bradwell Hall. We also noted that the CQC inspection of August 2018 concluded that overall ‘the Home Requires Improvement.
  16. Report -

    Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent organised an announced virtual visit to Dresden House between 18 October and 5 November 2021. The rationale for the virtual visit was to capture the experiences and opinions of the manager, service users and staff and relatives within the care home to discover what works well, not so well and what could be improved to enhance the quality of service delivery.
  17. Report -

    The report details our recommendations and acknowledgements, a background, the methodology utilised, an overview of findings and a selection of experiences from management, staff, service users, professionals and relatives.
  18. Report -

    The report details our recommendations and acknowledgements, a background, the methodology utilised, an overview of findings and a selection of experiences from management, staff, service users, and relatives.
  19. Report -

    Find out to what extent canceled or postponed hospital appointments had on patients during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
  20. Report -

    Find out people's experiences of local imaging services in Stoke-on-Trent.
  21. Report -

    Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent had undertaken an Enter and View visit in December 2019 to Wards 205 and 206 of the Maternity Unit and it was noted that some negative comments had been received regarding the MAU. The published report stated that Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent would visit the MAU at some point within ‘the next three months’.
  22. Report -

    Purpose of the visit: The Crisis Care Centre is intended to provide a new, ‘joined up’ service to patients suffering from crisis and has only been operational since October 2019. It was our intention to walk through the Centre and see how the services provided are now offered.
  23. Report -

    Purpose of the visit: part of the program of an ongoing program of visits to health and care facilities across the city and also to allow our visit team to see what changes and progress have been made since our last visit.
  24. Report -

    Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic and the former suspension of the Enter and View Programme, Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent took the opportunity to pilot a series of virtual visits to ensure that public conversations, experiences and concerns can continually be shared with their local Healthwatch.
  25. Report -

    The ward is a locked ward and entry is via an electronic secure admittance system. Similar to other parts of the hospital, this is primarily for the safety of patients. It has twenty-two beds which are made up of single rooms and four bedded dormitories.
  26. Report -

    It has fifteen beds and on the day of our visit, there were 13 patients on the ward. This is a mixed-sex ward but all the rooms are single rooms with separate female and male bedroom corridors. It has small quiet rooms off the corridors for patients to access. It also has an outside garden area with tables and seating.
  27. Report -

    Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent had, during September 2019, received verbal concerns
    from a few new mothers. We felt these comments merited a visit and so
    accordingly these two wards within the Maternity Unit were added to our Enter
    and View schedule.
  28. Report -

    Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent had received verbal evidence from a recently admitted patient alleging that parts of the ward were ‘dirty’, and that the food was of ‘poor quality.
  29. Report -

    Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent received verbal evidence from a recently admitted patient alleging that the Unit was ‘dirty and unhygienic’.
  30. Report -

    The report features our recommendations and acknowledgments, a background, the methodology utilised, an overview of findings, and a selection of experiences from responders who have an understanding of the Royal Stoke University Hospital Fracture Clinic.
  31. Report -

    The Hospital Services Survey part 1 consisted of 10 core questions. There was a mixture between multiple choice questions and open text for subjective comments and opinions. The structure of the survey is mirrored within the report discussion through a breakdown of headlines that each relate to the respective survey questions.
  32. Report -

    A proportion of patients remain digitally excluded and are unable to engage or communicate with a member of staff via the telephone booking system, due to limited digital knowledge and internet access. Therefore, consider how digital exclusion and inaccessibility of telephone communications can be addressed to provide systematic inclusion.
  33. Report -

    With growing pressure on the NHS such as an ageing population, more people living with longterm conditions and lifestyle choices affecting people’s health, changes are needed to make sure everybody gets the support they need. The NHS has produced a Long-Term Plan1, setting
    out the measures it intends to take to address changing need.
  34. Report -

    Community assets that alleviate loneliness or promote communities should be considered, monitored and recognised as integral to the overall approach. This includes engaging the third sector in a meaningful way and accepting that financial investment is needed in the third sector if a gap cannot be met by health and care services.
  35. Report -

    We spoke to 197 people in Stoke-on-Trent who are living with a long-term condition(s) to find out more about their experiences.
  36. Report -

    This report provides an analysis of Parkinson’s Provision in and around Stoke-
    on-Trent from a service user perspective.
  37. Report -

    We spoke to 39 people in Stoke-on-Trent who are either living with Parkinson's disease or are a carer for someone who is. We found out about their experiences of receiving support, care and treatment.
  38. Report -

    We organised a joint announced Enter & View visit to The Royal Stoke University Hospital Maternity Services with Healthwatch Staffordshire on 20 November 2023. Read all about our joint visit in this report which includes a background and our purpose for the visit, the methodology utilised, an outline of our findings and our recommendations.