Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent Annual Report 2018/19

The most common themes we hear about are GP services, Mental Health Services, Social Care, and Hospitals and to ensure that we
address your concerns and compliments we share your stories with relevant people and incorporate your priorities into our work programme.

The move from hospital care to community care continues to be a high priority for the local health and care economy and we are constantly reminding commissioners and providers of the absolute need to ensure that patient safety and quality of care is not negatively affected during this process. Any new models of care must be discussed with the public, their views sought and incorporated into service change to ensure that the right care is provided in the right place with no gap in service provision. Furthermore, as detailed in the CQC Local System Review the skills and experience of the voluntary sector must be incorporated into future plans together with being appropriately funded.

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Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent Annual Report 2018/19

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