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    The changes made in services as a response to the pandemic has impacted how people across the nation could access health and social care services. Access became more difficult for some due to digital exclusion, lengthy back logs and new safety restrictions.
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    Thanks to people sharing their experiences around the challenges to access a local dentist with us over the last year, we’ve helped the Government and the local Dental Network stay informed of the barriers that people across Stoke-on-Trent are facing when seeking dental care.
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    Last week, the team continued to work hard on the long-term condition priority project, which was determined as our annual priority thanks to the local Stokies sharing their primary health and social care concerns with us.
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    Natalie is among the many people who have recently told us how their diabetes care can be improved.
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    Homeless people have worse mental and physical health than the general population. Our research shows issues with access to the health and social care they need.
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    As part of our report The public’s perspective: The state of health and social care, we have set out recommendations for decision makers across ten key areas.
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    As Remembrance Day approaches, we hear from army veteran Shaun about how long waiting times affected his ability to access NHS care.
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    We share the key trends in what people from different ethnic minority groups are telling us, and propose steps the NHS can take towards equity in care.
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    The public needs a bold vision for health and care services, informed by the wealth of patient experience we’ve collected over the past decade.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch, aims to help address health inequalities across England.
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    The healthcare system is facing its biggest challenges yet. In Healthwatch England's annual report, they show how listening to the voices of the public can lead to a system that works better for everyone.
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    The cost of living remains a barrier to health, particularly for people on low incomes, and those requiring dental care.
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    It's important that deaf and hard-of-hearing people can get information in an accessible way. But feedback suggests not all services are complying with key legislation.
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    To champion the public's views, we act on clear, informed evidence of their health and social care experiences. Find out what evidence we use and how.
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    Despite all the positives of rural living, people have told us they are struggling to access basic health care.