Virtual Visit to the Royal Stoke University Hospital Fracture Clinic

Find out people's experiences of the Royal Stoke University Hospital fracture clinic.

Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic and the former suspension of the Enter and View Programme, Healthwatch Stoke-on-Trent took the opportunity to pilot a series of virtual visits to ensure that public conversations, experiences, and concerns can continually be shared with their local Healthwatch.

Our Virtual Visit Programme was designed to gain perspective on respective health and social care services by providing an anonymous opportunity for service users, staff and managers or patients to talk about their experiences centered on the planning and delivery of the related service.

On this particular virtual visit, engagement with patients was done through face-to-face targeted promotion in the Fracture Clinic so that patients were well informed and could go home, reflect on the appointment, and complete an online survey detailing personal experiences.


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Virtual Visit to the Royal Stoke University Hospital report

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