Digital Exclusion Project – Stoke-on-Trent

We have an interesting project coming up regarding people facing exclusion due to the digitisation of services over the pandemic. We want individuals to share their experiences with digital exclusion with us.

We have an interesting project coming up regarding people facing exclusion due to the digitisation of services over the pandemic. We want individuals to share their experiences on digital exclusion with us.

We’re looking for participants who are either:

  • Over 65
  • Living with a disability
  • Speak English as a secondary language

We ask that any willing participants forward their details to us via the contact details below:

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 01782 683080

Participants will receive a £10 gift voucher. Organisations who assist with recruiting that leads to at least one completed interview will receive a £50 donation. Interviews are aimed to be conducted over the telephone.